Forth Valley Orienteers

FVO Score Four at BOF Jamboree

FVO Compass Sport Cup winners 2019

15 May, 2020

It's always nice to get recognition for your efforts, but we have collected such an embarrassment of riches in the recent British Orienteering awards that we need a new trophy cabinet.

With three individual awards for FVO members to accompany the grand trophy itself - Club of the Year - we're clearly getting something right. Well done to the individual winners and to everyone in the club as a whole; what a great team effort!

  • FVO - Club of the Year!
  • David Nicol - Volunteer of the Year
  • Graham Gristwood - The Walsh Trophy for the best urban or sprint map to ISSOM standards
  • Chris Smithard - The SILVA Trophy for the best map produced by professional mappers

Other entries categorised under: Success